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Keynote Speaker • Corporate Trainer

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Notable. Topical. Important.

Tim Hoopmann is an outstanding motivator

with important messages

Tim Hoopman is an experienced business growth expert with a demonstrated flair for scalability. With a passion for technology as a key enabler to increase productivity and decrease costs, Tim is professionally skilled in business planning, cloud technology, sales, marketing, retail, and operations management. He has a passion for technology as a key enabler to increase productivity and decrease costs. A recognised speaker for BeyondBlue, Tim specialises in corporate training and keynote speaking. 

Tim was absolutely amazing. He was an incredibly engaging and thoughtful speaker, and our organisation got a lot out of meeting him…

hope to have him back next year. 

- Madelaine, RITEQ

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Tim delivers topical, motivational and absorbing keynotes, highlighting his reasoned approach to life, work, technology and getting on with the job. 

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Tim can provide specialised training packages for your team. Choose from pre-set training packages or work with Tim to design one for your company.

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Tim enjoys coaching business startups and entrepreneurs. If you have questions about where your career is taking you - talk to Tim.  

Free eBook:

Start Your Success Story!

Tim Hoopmann provides insightful

tips to help you on your way to success in business. Subscribe now to receive the eBook and get started on your success story.

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SME Superhero?

Never give up on finding your superpower.

With a few focal changes, you can live the life you deserve, and grow the business you dream about. 

Tim found his superpower. Now it's time to discover yours.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.


- Mark Twain

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